Götze: “I am probably having even more fun than I was before”
2020 could offer a fresh start for the midfielder
After a long period on the sidelines last year due to injury, Felix Götze has had a good start to 2020. Not only is the 21-year-old back training with the team, but he also played half of the friendly against Hibernians FC (FT: 4-0), which was his first appearance since March. For him and his FCA teammates led by captain Daniel Baier, who recently extended his contract by a year, the second half of the season gets underway on Saturday, 18th January (15:30 CET) with a game against BVB.
Parallels can certainly be drawn between FCA’s first half of the season and Felix Götze’s last six months, which saw him endure a tough start, an operation and then an intensive programme of recovery training. However, apart from a loss against Leipzig (FT 3-1), FCA enjoyed a hot streak towards the end of the Hinrunde. Götze was also able to complete training sessions out on the pitch at the start of November and is now available to play once again. “I’m feeling good and I’m not in pain anymore. Above all, I’m happy that I can train and play again without any problems,” he says. After such a long time out of action “It’s fun to be involved again, even more so because you really appreciate how nice it is to be back out on the pitch.”
Feeling good ahead of Dortmund clash
Even though Saturday’s game against BVB’s side from his hometown Dortmund has almost certainly come too early for him to be included in the squad, the midfielder is confident that his teammates can get something from it: “We know about Dortmund’s strengths but we also know that they are vulnerable. We will go into the game feeling positive, give 100 percent and hopefully play well.”
Another year in red, green and white for Baier
FCA captain Daniel Baier wants to see “eleven players and three substitutes, who will show how much they want to win right from the start. That’s what will make the difference.” It’s exactly this attitude that the number 10 embodies. The veteran’s new contract will keep him at the club until 2021. “I still have that desire to go and fight for the club and for the fans and to put in the work in training every week,” says Baier. “It’s incredible to experience the way the whole city and region get behind the club.” The team will be hoping to benefit from this support and enjoy a great atmosphere at the WWK ARENA on Saturday, which they will want to repay with points against BVB.