FC Augsburg Logo FC Augsburg

07 values & guiding principles

The 07 fundamental values remind everyone to respect the community around them and are a cornerstone of the FCA family and the club itself. Everyone in the FCA family is an ambassador for FC Augsburg. That includes all employees, committee members, players, club members, fans, sponsors and partners. Together, we stay true to our roots and embody our values as one.

Guiding principles

We strive for FC Augsburg to deliver the best it can in both a sporting and business sense, receiving accolades both in the world of football and off the pitch.

We’re true to ourselves and our roots. Our home is the source of our power and identity. With our passion and successes, we help to put our city on the map.

Our FCA family is built on a sense of joy and friendship. Everyone is welcome.

We share mutual values with our members, fans, sponsors, partners, employees and players and give them special experiences both on and off the pitch.

Fairness, respect and responsibility are at the heart of our day-to-day actions. We take opportunities to build bridges and pave the way for a sustainable society and positive development for our region.

07 values

What connects us


Togetherness gives us strength through both good and bad times. We play, fight and win together. We are one. That’s the only way we can achieve our aims. Everyone’s perspective counts. Mutual respect and understanding help us towards achieving our aims for the club.

Part of our day-to-day work.


We are proud to set a good example. We pave the way for the development of young talent both on and off the pitch. We support climate protection, action and education through our responsible business management. We are a club who are deeply connected to our region, and promote collective action in the FCA family. And we spread awareness of the values of football: tolerance, respect and fairness.

The feeling that drives us on.


The joy of sport. The joy of success. The joy of having a good time with everyone. This is the archetypal FCA feeling. It makes us creative and puts everyone at ease, drives forward potential and give us energy to face the challenges ahead. This enthusiasm creates a respectful unit and is a great draw for our club.

This is what makes us.

A sense of purpose

We always direct our view forwards to the important targets. We plan ahead, act with discipline and make decisions with care. We always look at the big picture and jump on new developments and requirements when they come up.

One of our biggest stregths.


We overcome challenges because we use our expertise. We’re determined and purposeful. We take a position and then go above and beyond to achieve this.

What our society needs.


Everyone is different. And that’s a good thing. We are open to everyone, regardless of age, religion, ethnic and social origin, skin colour, sexual orientation, gender or physical and mental capabilities. We support social equality and strive to create a barrier- and discrimination-free football experience.

This approach opens doors.


Everyone deserves respect, on and off the pitch. We value everyone and treat them fairly. Our words and actions are respectful. We do not discriminate and we take a firm stance.